4. Revenge


I was taking a business call in my garden. My eyes fell on my study I peeked through the window. I saw someone in my study never did I knew it was such a beautiful presence and I didn't wanted to chase her out. My lips curled into a smile. Glad no one noticed or if anyone I knew noticed I bet they will tease me.

She was not wearing any beautiful princess clothes. She was wearing something that'd say I'm badass better stay away from me. She is wearing white tee with Black jacket. She didn't utter a word. She stood and her glare that'd kill someone. She's angry I can say that but why?. I was staring at her for I don't know for how long.

Mr. Raghuvanshi. Mr. Raghuvanshi the person yelled from other side. I'll talk to you later, I said and slid my phone inside my pant pockets. My gaze didn't leave her. What is she doing in my study. I clicked a picture of her just in case I miss. I'm acting like teenager having crush on a girl he can never talk. Something was happening to me definitely. I decided to go to her and talk to her. When I was about to leave I saw my father stand up. What is dad doing in my study?, When this question is running in my head. "bang" I heard the crack of a gun firing. 

I stood there before I realize what just happened. My father's shot dead right in front of my eyes. My eyes went wide and I ran inside the house, to my study. She's nowhere to be found all I could see is the dead body of my father lying on the ground on his stomach and the blood is streaming out of his head. She shot him right in between her forehead.

Everything happened in front of my eyes and I was watching the show admiring the girl who killed my father. I hate myself for this, and this helpless me should die but I won't not before I show her hell I won't welcome my death. 


I'm sitting on the chair in the same study my father died, resting my back on it my eyes are shut and my thumb, index and middle finger is rubbing my forehead because right now I'm feeling that my head will burst into thousand pieces. 

Why did you do this to me Agastya?, a voice echoed in the room. I opened my and Adjusted myself in the chair and sat straight to look at the person who barged in without warning. I didn't talk because I don't think it's important to answer her. 

I'm asking you Agastya. Why?. you know right I lo-, I know she'll say I love you but I know she doesn't love me either it's infatuation or attraction or love but towards my wealth but not me. She came near me tried to put her hand on my shoulder saying I love you. No I cut before she say it with my glare. She stepped and stopped talking.

Our parent's has long decided our marriage Agastya, Shanaya said.

Sorry Ms. Rathore I never had any intention of marriage with you, I said. I know our parents sorry respective father's had talked about our marriage since our childhood and I know it's purely business. Even if I didn't marry that girl I would've never said yes to this marriage. Because I never loved her so no point in getting married.

But our parents- I cut her again. No Ms. Rathore it's our father's but I never gave my word to you or anybody.

You can't do this to me and why did you marry her on the- That none of your Business Ms. Rathore. you just have to know this. that. I. never intended to marry you. 

Why?, she asked.

you can leave, I said. She her heel to leave and never barge in without permission, I added. She walked out. I hope she understand that I.  never have any ties with her. With or without that girl in my life she never had place.


Maa came in as soon as Shanaya left the room. I know Maa will not question me it was this morning she asked me something for the first time but I can never answer her why?. I don't know why but I just don't want anyone to know. All my family members know that my father's death is murder but they don't know who is the murderer but it's okay I know." I'll take the revenge. all of our revenge".

That girl she purchased key to hell by killing papa and walked into it on her own by marrying me. I'll make sure she won't regret walking in here. Even if she didn't marry me or opposed to do it. I'd have opted thousand different ways to torcher her. But she did marry me and made my work easy.  

Agastya what are you doing here?, she questioned. I looked at her without saying anything. Maa will not question me I know this much. And I don't have to answer Vaibhav and Disha. One day they'll understand me but it's just that it's not today. They need some time. But about that girl I don't think I'll tell them everything about her. Maybe I cannot. I don't know.

I don't question you anything Agastya but since you married her I want you to be responsible for what you did, she said I narrowed my eyes looking at her. 

Maa- She cut me. Listen Agastya I didn't ask you where did you go this morning right after you finish the responsibilities of elder son after his father's death. I know you are in pain and distress even if you didn't shed a single tear. But you disappeared when you shouldn't and shown up with something you shouldn't, she said.

Maa, I said and hugged her she didn't hug me back like she always does this means one thing she's mad at me. I'm sorry Maa I made you worried but this is supposed to be it and I can't change anything now. Listen beta I don't know why you married her but now she's your responsibility. yes maa she's my responsibility I'm responsible to give her pain and torcher her, make her cry in that painful torcher she is going to suffer maa and I'll make sure she'll. I didn't tell her this. I broke the hug.

Now go to your room, she said. I can't explain her everything and I know she'll not listen to me. Knowing the situation I nodded at her. She went out without looking back. I sat back on my chair not having control on my thoughts. I shut my eyes.


I opened my eyes and looked at my phone on the table It's 3:00 am in the morning.  I don't know when I slept maybe because I didn't slept yesterday night mourning my father's death and the situation which made my head heavy I slept. I guess now I'll go to my room. I don't want maa to see me here. Not that I fear her but I can't hurt her more.

I walked to my room climbing the stairs. I opened the door of my room by twisting the door knob. I saw a petite figure sitting on the bed supporting her head to headboard she folded her legs near securing her within herself. 

"How can you peacefully sleep rabbit?". When you made me lose my sleep. "I'll live all my life hating you from now on" and you "you'll live facing my hatred and living in the pool of fear and pain all your life. facing my wrath". I walked to her and held her wrist pulling her out of the bed.


I took the gun and pointed it on his forehead. I didn't speak anything neither I've to I just have to kill him that is why I am here. I didn't plan ow to kill him but all I know is I should kill. My wrath and hatred is enough to kill him. Good I found the gun on the table. I don't know how to use the gun neither I know how to kill someone. I don't even know if this gun as bullets inside it.

"I pointed the gun at his head. Before he realized anything I pulled the trigger firing the gun on his forehead. He's shot dead. Good. I placed back the gun from where I took and kept it exactly how it was before. I walked out of the room and then the house."

I went to my home. Told my family everything that happened. I don't fear anything. He only deserved it. I freshened up and went to the living room sat on the couch waiting for police to arrest me. I know I definitely left the evidences specially the gun. And maybe I left more evidences there. "I killed him, now I just don't give a shit about what happens to me. He deserves this no actually he deserves a painful death. I wish I gave him one. But nope he don't have time to spend on this earth. This is only right that he's dead. yes."

While I was waiting for the police I didn't expect someone to barge in my home and demand to marry me. I only know it why he married me when he brought me here. Raghuvanshi Mansion. Now I've to live somewhere where I killed someone. My head felt heavy thinking about all the things that have happened recently. I closed my eyes a little feeling heavy headed. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me.

I stood up from the bed and looked at the owner it is him. He held my right arm tightly with his left hand digging his nails into my arm. He can easily hold my entire arm in his hand but I think he's intentionally digging his nails. Less did he know "the pain he's trying bring me is giving me solace". It's because the heaviness my heart is holding now can only be lessened by physical pain. Maybe my metal pain the demons that are fighting inside can only be fought this way.

"Sorry Rabbit this is not the place you sleep", he spoke did he just gave me a nickname. you'll sleep there, he said tilting his head and eyeing the floor. So, he wants me to sleep on the floor. I looked at him, into his eyes. He left me with a jerk I left out a sigh. Before I could sit on the floor.

you know why I married you?, He said. I looked at his back. He turned his heel towards me, he was facing the bed. He took three big step towards me and I don't know when he pinned me to the wall. He held my both hands digging his nails in my hands. He surely is hurting me. But also it is bringing me some kind of peace.


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