3. I killed him


At Anvi's place.

Why god? what wrong my child did. In her entire life she never harmed a single ant knowingly. She always said, that is also a life why hurt it, But today my daughter is suffering all the pain when she harmed none, Sanjay (Anvi's father) said this crying.

May be it's us who made the sin in our past lives Sanjay that our daughter is suffering now, Archana (Ishaanvi's mother) said holding his hands.

No it's because of us our daughter has been suffering. I'm a helpless coward who put my daughter into such terrible situation, Manoj said his wife is sitting beside him tears flowing in her eyes.

No no Manoj you did nothing wrong. Instead we should be proud to have such a brave daughter, Sanjay said.

But who's is he why did he married my daughter, Geeta asked.

He's Agastya Vamshi Raghuvanshi. The young and Successful business man, Sanjay said.

Raghuvanshi mansion. 

Vamsi stormed to his study room without talking or listening to anyone.

Beta are you Okay?, Ishwari ji (his mother) asked holding Anvi's arm as she was dozed off.

When she came back to senses she looked around. He's not here. 

Ji aunty ji I'm okay, Anvi said.  

Ishwari ji took Anvi to Vamsi's room. Vaibhav and Disha (Vamsi's siblings) followed them. Anvi has no interest in anything now she just want to be alone. She didn't look at the room she's is going live in from now on. Ishwari ji made her sit on the bed. 

I don't know why you both got married, Anvi eyes lifted and she looked at Ishwari ji with pale emotionless face when she said this.

Don't worry I won't ask you anything unless you want to say it, Ishwari ji again said.

Never did Ishwari ji imagined that Agastya her son her pride would take a drastic step to marry someone out of a sudden. That too on the next day of his father's death. She's worried about her son because he's always been stubborn, he only does what he wants. But she never bothered about her son's this behavior because he never did something wrong but this time she's disappointed with his behavior his unexpected decision.

By the way what is your name?, Ishwari ji asked her looking at Anvi when her eyes again fell on her bringing her out from her thoughts.

Ishaanvi. Ishaanvi Ayali, she said. And Ishwari ji nodded.

Bhabhi mein Vaibhav aapka devar, he said pointing at himself. Aur mein aapka nanad Disha, she said pointing towards herself. Anvi nodded at them.

Aur mein Ishwari, Ishwari ji said. Anvi nodded at her.

Bhabhi I don't know why suddenly bhai married you but we are always with you. No matter how bhai treats you but we'll always treat you right, Vaibhav said. 

Haan Bhabhi whatever the situation we are facing now we won't show that stress on you, Disha said.

Anvi looked at them. If you got to know I'm the reason behind you tears you'll never forgive me, she thought.  Now only Anvi knows how she's feeling. She felt all of them sweet as no one would accept someone like this in such a situation where elder son of the family brings someone marrying her without a prior notice, but Ishwari ji, Disha and Vaibhav they are already mourning Vamshi's father's death yet they are trying to make her feel comfortable. 

She gave them a faint smile this is all she could do. 

Disha get a pair of clothes of yours, Ishwari ji said to Disha.

yes maa, she said and went out of the room.

Look Ishaanvi beta if you need anything you come to me don't hesitate, Ishwari ji said. Anvi nodded at her.

After sometime Disha came to her with the pair of clothes. Maa here she gave her. Go fresh up and get changed I'll bring you food here only, Ishwari ji said giving her the clothes.

No Aunty ji I'm not hungry, she said and took the clothes from her hands.

Okay I'll not force you for today, Ishwari ji said softly. Anvi eyes rolled with water because of how sweet this family is. She closed her eyes preventing them from coming out.

All three of them left the room when Anvi went to the washroom to fresh up.

Descending the stairs Ishwari ji is walking ahead and Disha and Vaibhav are following her. 

Maa do you think Bhai forced Bhabhi into this marriage, Vaibhav asked.

I don't think bhai would force any girl to get married. Not to mention he never looked at any girl even when they themselves are behind him for his looks and wealth, Disha said.

But did you look at Bhabhi's face she doesn't look like she's married today and her face is pale as if she's gone through some dire situation. She looks more upset and heartbroken than us, Vaibhav said.

And maa what about Shanaya, Disha asked.

Ishwari ji looked at them with the name of Shanaya they are standing in the living hall. 

yes maa Shanaya always liked Bhai from her childhood although bhai didn't had any feelings for her. She always had hope, Vaibhav said and Disha nodded looking at Ishwari ji.

Ishwari ji is lost in everything that happened all of a sudden. Her husband's death.. no murder and her son's sudden marriage the next day and now the girl who always loved his son although her feelings never reciprocated was hopelessly waiting for him but now she can't have him.

Maa.. Maa.. what are you thinking, where were you lost, Disha asked.

Nothing, Ishwari ji said.

Don't talk to Ishaanvi about these things. we don't know in what situation they got married but now that they are married she is one of us. She's eldest bahu of Raghuvanshi's, Ishwari ji said. Disha and Vaibhav nodded agreeing with her. Ishwari ji left from there with that.

I think we should make Bhabhi comfortable with us, Disha said and Vaibhav nodded with that they also went to their rooms.

Anvi got freshened and is now sitting in her room remembering all the things that happened to her in just few days. How her life turned upside down. How she got married. She was a normal girl like every other girl everything changed in her life. 

Anvi closed her eyes supporting her head to the head rest of the bed. 

It was a pitch dark night when Anvi slowly walked into her home with silent fainted steps wearing black jeans white tee and black jacket with a high ponytail in a dark room because the lights were off, where Sanjay, Archana and Manoj, Geeta are sitting in the hall in demise they looked at Anvi. 

The lights turned on.

Sanu beta what happened?, why are you standing like this, Archana ji asked.

Anvi stood like a rock without saying anything.

Sanu.. Sanu, Archana ji shook her holding her shoulders.

"Maa I killed him. I killed him with these hands", Anvi said looking at her hands.

What? Archana ji went to shock hearing her.

What are you saying Sanu beta, Sanjay asked.

yes dad, I killed him he was supposed to be dead long back it is long delayed, Anvi said confidently with a empty face.

Have you lost Sanu? How can you risk your whole life for-, Manoj was shouting at her.

I'm proud of my brave daughter, Sanjay said stopping Manoj from saying anything further and hugged Anvi. All of them were in grimace of pain but trying to find strength in each other while tears were tracing their faces.


Hello lovely people hope you are liking this. 

Who do you think Anvi killed and why?

Plot to be unveiled stay tuned. 

Also I request you don't quit it halfway.

This book is going to be good so recommend it to your friends.

Happy reading ❤❤❤.

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