1. Marriage


It was a unpleasant evening filled with depression, sorrow, mournfulness, gloom. I don't know what more words I can use. I'm sitting on the settees in the living hall in grief, anxiety, and repentance, remorse, regret. Everything Shattered into pieces in just one day.  The door of the living room banged open when I was drowned deep in the ocean of my thoughts. My eyes automatically went towards the direction of the door. There was a person standing there like a death god with 6 foot or maybe more taller. His face speaks the same emotions as mine. I don't know who he is but. It seems like he is in pain. 

Before I got up from my seat, he came to me with his devil aura.

"Marry me", he said. he kept his hands in his pocket standing in front me like he'd kill me anytime.

Did I hear him right?

"I'm not the mood to play along for your jokes", I said. I don't care who he is.. why does he want to play this prank on me but. I don't want to ask any of these things now. I just want to stay alone. I want scream till my throat dries and disappear.

"Neither am I", he said and shoot the gun on roof. I don't know where did he take the gun out from.  The chandelier fell right beside me leaving 3 to 4 inches of space in between, my eyes asserted from him to the chandelier. It just didn't fell on me but fell right beside me. His eyes are fixed on me. I can feel his gaze. Which is not giving me any good vibes.

Marry me or your parent's will die, he said pointing his gun towards them. when did he go to them?. Why god why are you doing this with me now?. I don't know why but I feel like he is the one who does what he says.

He shot on the floor this time, I covered my ears crouching down a little I scrunched my eyes and closed them.

Answer, he said in a demanding tone. I don't know if he'll really kill them but I don't want to take chance.

God he didn't shot them. Thankyou God. I thanked god.

"yes", I said. I can't think straight now.

Sanu beta, don't do this for us. If he wants to kill us let him do it. Anyway it doesn't matter now we live or die. 

Louder, he said. I did what he wanted. I said this louder this time. He didn't bother hearing them. His voice trembles my heart. Am I fearing him. A big yes!!. But why?

"YES", I said.

Good, he said. I don't know why he wanted to marry me but I don't care now, their lives matters most for me now.

Nahi mere bacche tum ye nahi karogi-

He dragged me out before she finish her words and throwed me inside the car in passenger seat. He took the driver seat like a devil. 

I looked at my home from the car window, don't worry your parent's will come from behind so that you won't play any tricks and run away, he said. It's as if he read my mind. I just wanted to make sure they are safe. 

I shut my eyes not knowing in which direction my life is going. His face speaks grimace of pain. His voice is dangerous. His car gives I'm rich aura. These things didn't matter to me me. But one question that's bothering me is Why did he want to marry me?. It doesn't seems like he loves me or anything. His face clearly shows that he hates me. Then why is he forcing me into this marriage. I don't care.

The car stopped. He grabbed my arm, pulled me out. My feet burned because I'm not wearing any footwear and Sun is high. I looked at the place he brought me, He brought me to the temple. Shri ram mandir.

He pulled me inside the temple and left me with a jerk making me fall on the small wooden stool. My knees, ass and palm touched the floor at once when I fell. I sat on the stool.  He sat beside me. Some arrangements were made. A simple marriage set up. Pandit ji is sitting in front of us in the opposite side facing us. I'm wearing jeans and simple sky blue color kurti top which reaches my knees which has some hand made embroidery of white thread on it. him in Black suit. We are sitting in front of the holy fire performing marriage rituals. I sat beside him performing whatever the pandit ji says without any second thought in my head. My head is empty now.

I don't know when pandit ji said to tie the knot, He bent down and tied Mangalsutra around my neck. Then pandit ji asked us to stand up. Panigraha, holding hands is performed. then Saptapadi, we took seven rounds around the holy fire with vows. 

1. iṣe eka pa̍dā bhava̱ | viṣṇu̱stvānve̍tu |, for plenty of nourishing and pure food. 

2. ūrje dvi- pa̍dā bhava̱ | viṣṇustvānvetu |, for healthy and prosperous life. 

3. rāyas-poṣāya trīṇi pa̍dā bhava̱ | viṣṇustvānvetu |, for wealth and strength to share happiness and pain together. 

4. mayo-bhavāya catvāri pa̍dā bhava̱ | viṣṇustvānvetu |, for love and respect towards each other. 

5. paśubhyo pañca pa̍dā bhava̱ | viṣṇustvānvetu |,for beautiful and noble children. 

6. ṛtubhyo ṣaḍ pa̍dā bhava̱ | viṣṇustvānvetu |,for peaceful long life together. enjoyments according to the season.. 

7. sakhyāya sapta pa̍dā bhava̱ | viṣṇustvānvetu |, for Companion, togetherness, loyalty, understanding. 

I don't know how many of these we will fulfill. Maybe NONE. It is said that one who took these vows in a proper way with full heart their bond will never break. I think it is not the case for us.

we sat down after taking the vows. He filled my hair partition with vermillion. As soon as the wedding is done. He made me sign some papers. I did as he said.

These are our marriage registration papers, he said.

Just like that we got married. I got married to someone I don't even know. Even the arrange marriages can't be this bad. But what name am I giving this marriage. Maybe a forced marriage. Perhaps not I did walk into it with my own accord. I didn't even tried to avoid it for once. I didn't resist. I didn't ask why he's doing this with me. I can't call this a force marriage.

What did you do Saanvi, why did you do this mera bachcha?. my mother said crying. she's hitting her forehead with her palm.

Maa, calling her out I went to her and grabbed her hands. The pain we were already suffering from made me realize I can handle her. This marriage isn't a big deal. Both my parents are crying louder. which is making my heart shatter into pieces. I can't see them like this. They are broken. Who will not?, their only daughter got married in a unpredictable way they'd never imagine. 

I remember how happy they used to get hearing about my marriage. They had the whole plan set in their mind but now I'm in a forced marriage out of nowhere.


First chapter is here...

Hello guys if you didn't get hooked. Try to read few more chapters. I'll try to make it better I promise. 

This is gonna be real good.

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What made anvi marry him without resisting for once. What do you think?

Happy reading ❤❤❤ 

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